Fr. Thomas E. Hayden Scholarship Fund

Our Mission:


We assist undergraduate students in Liberia with the tools they need to fulfill their potential, and do so with your help.


Our Mission

After Father Hayden passed in 2014, his family and friends established this scholarship fund in his name to honor his legacy and continue his mission of providing opportunities to those who want to receive higher education, regardless of financial ability.


Our Impact

Since its establishment in 2014, the Father Hayden Scholarship Fund has given over $50,000 in scholarship aid to students. Over the next three years, our goal is to provide scholarships to 30 students a year. With each student we aid, we are not only helping them to achieve their dreams, we are also shaping the future innovators and leaders of the world. It all starts with education.

On average, $500 helps to fund the education on one student for a year.

Donate Now


Thousand Dollars Raised

Our extremely generous donors have given young adults the opportunity to chase their dreams and give back to their communities!



Years supporting college students

Though we are somewhat new, our work is just getting started. With your help, we aim to provide scholarships to 30 students on a yearly basis.



students Impacted

Currently we have 25 students receiving financial assistance.


November 2023

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible honor to have benefited from the Fr. Thomas Hayden Scholarship. Receiving this scholarship has empowered me to pursue my academic and career goals with greater focus and determination. I want to assure you that your belief in my potential is not taken lightly. I am committed to excelling in my studies and contributing positively to society.

George Grear, Jr. / William VS Tubman University / Engineering and Technology Graduate



Get Involved

We welcome and appreciate any contribution(s) to the effort of educating Liberia’s future leaders, whether through donation to the Fund or involvement in another capacity. To help, please do one of the following:

A. Financial — Click on the “Donate” link

B. Another Capacity — Contact us at

We would love to hear from you!


Volunteer opportunities

If you wish to volunteer in any capacity or just wish to learn more about our work, please contact us at


Make a Donation

Any donation, regardless of size helps greatly. This scholarship is made possible because of donations and with each dollar we can change a life.